Ao no Exorcist is an anime series by Kazue Katō, based off the manga of the same name. The story follows a 15 year old boy, Rin Okumura bears the title of Satan's son, who then follows the path of an Exorcist to avenge the death of his foster father after he sacrifices himself to save Rin from Satan. He joins True Cross Academy, where he meets comrades who are all in pursuit of their own goals.
The anime is produced by A-1 Pictures Inc. and directed by Tensai Okamura. It debuted with the First Season on April 17th, 2011 at 5:30 on TBS and MBS and ended on October 2nd, 2011 with 25 episodes, some of which contained original stories made for the anime.
On June 15th, 2016, a countdown appeared on the Ao-Ex website which upon reaching 00:00:00, revealed that the anime would be receiving a second season, officially known as "Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga" (青の祓魔師 京都不浄王篇 Ao no Ekusoshisuto Kyoto Fujō-Ō-hen). The series premiered on January 7th, 2017 and features an opening by UVERworld and an ending by Rin Akatsuki. This season picks up the anime from where the First Season story deviated from the source manga with original anime content (Episode 18 onwards). The second season ended on March 25th, 2017 after 12 episodes.
A third season, adapting the Shimane Illuminati arc, aired from January 7, 2024 to March 24, 2024. Studio VOLN took over the production of the anime with Daisuke Yoshida directing.
A fourth season, with two back-to-back cours, will air in October 2024 named "Beyond the Snow Saga" and in January 2025 named "Blue Night Saga".
Episode List
First Season (2011)
The Devil Resides in Human Souls 悪魔は人の心に棲む Akuma wa Hito no Kokoro ni Sumu |
#1 | April 17, 2011 | |
Rin begins to worry about his future as his twin brother, Yukio, is starting school at the prestigious True Cross Academy. Sent to a job interview by his foster father, Shiro, Rin encounters a Demon-like creature and causes havoc in the store. | |||
Gehenna Gate 虚無界の門 Gehena Gēto |
#2 | April 24, 2011 | |
Rin is thrown into turmoil when Shiro tells him that he's the son of Satan! Warning him that he must never draw it, Shiro gives Rin the Koma Sword, and hides him in the monastery basement. Outside, a fierce battle begins. | |||
Brothers 兄と弟 Ani to Otōto |
#3 | May 1, 2011 | |
Vowing to become an Exorcist, Rin is taken to True Cross Academy by the mysterious Mephisto, a friend of their late father. Later, Rin heads to the Exorcist Cram School, as Mephisto warns: “You must keep that you’re the son of Satan confidential.” | |||
The Garden of Amahara 天空の庭 Amahara no Niwa |
#4 | May 8, 2011 | |
When Yukio takes on a case, Rin tags along with him to the Exorcism Supply Shop. There he meets Shiemi, a girl with ailing legs, tending to her garden. Yukio examines Shiemi's legs and finding Demonic traces, speculates that the garden is the cause. | |||
A Boy from the Cursed Temple 祟り寺の子 Tatari-dera no Ko |
#5 | May 15, 2011 | |
Rin is always snoozing in class, much to star pupil Suguro's irritation. Suguro's striving to become an Exorcist so he can restore his family's temple in Kyoto, and being classmates with such a slacker is more than he can bear. | |||
The Phantom Chef まぼろしの料理人 Maboroshi no Ryōrinin |
#6 | May 22, 2011 | |
The biggest headache of Rins school life is his daily meals. On Yukios advice, Rin starts cooking in the dorm kitchen, preparing lunch the night before. But in the morning, all the food has vanished! | |||
A Flock of Plovers 友千鳥 Tomochidori |
#7 | May 29, 2011 | |
To overcome her shyness, Shiemi secretly vows to Make friends! But shes foiled by her klutziness. After displaying her Tamer skills in class, she finally asks Izumo to be her friend! Soon after, the Exorcist Cram School holds a boot camp. | |||
Now a Certain Man Was Sick... 此に病める者あり Koko ni Yameru Mono Ari |
#8 | June 5, 2011 | |
Crushed by her failure to save her best friend, Izumo lashes out at Suguro! Their bickering escalates until the whole class is involved, and they're all sent to detention. Suddenly, the students are attacked by the ghoul Rin fought the day before! | |||
Memories おもひで Omohide |
#9 | June 12, 2011 | |
Fighting together for the first time, Rin and the others barely survive a harrowing attack. Suddenly, Mephisto and the cram school teachers are before them! Yukio confronts a teacher, only to discover.. | |||
Black Cat 黒猫 Ketto Shī |
#10 | June 19, 2011 | |
After the excitement of being promoted to Exwire, Rin is soon disgusted with his load of homework. Then, Yukio is summoned for an urgent mission! The familiar of the Knights of the True Cross has gone berserk, and Yukio has to deal with the crisis. | |||
Demon of the Deep Seas 深海の悪魔 Shinkai no Akuma |
#11 | June 26, 2011 | |
Rin, Shima, and Izumo have been sent on a mission, only to end up working instead. They meet a boy named Yohei and learn of the "Demon of the Deep." Yohei lost his father to this monster, and wants revenge. Worried, Rin and the others watch over him. | |||
A Game of Tag 鬼事 Oni Gokko |
#12 | July 3, 2011 | |
The class investigates ghost sightings at an amusement park. Rin is partnered with Shiemi, and they find the ghost of a child. He runs away, turning things into a game of tag! Separated from Shiemi, Rin is confronted by Amaimon, King of Earth. | |||
Proof 証明 Shōmei |
#13 | July 10, 2011 | |
Senior Exorcist First Class Shura Kirigakure stops the battle between Rin and Amaimon. Rin learns that Shura was once a disciple of Shiro's - and that Shura has targeted him for elimination - "the job that my mentor failed to do!" | |||
A Fun Camping Trip 愉しいキャンプ Tanoshii Kyanpu |
#14 | July 17, 2011 | |
The first semester has ended, signaling the start of summer vacation for True Cross Academy students. But there's no rest for Rin and the other ExWires: they must take part in a 3-day drill to prepare for actual combat, under the guise of a camping trip. | |||
Act of Kindness やさしい事 Yasashii Koto |
#15 | July 24, 2011 | |
Suguro's joint strategy pays off, and the Exwires have success in their sights! But then a gigantic moth Demon (cuchi) appears, and attacks Rin! | |||
The Wager 賭 Kake |
#16 | July 31, 2011 | |
Consumed by the power of the flames during his battle with Amaimon, Rin goes berserk! He regains control of himself once his power is exhausted...only to be captured by the current Paladin, Arthur A. Angel! | |||
Temptation 誘惑 Yūwaku |
#17 | August 7, 2011 | |
As the hearing drags on, the Order finds itself unable to decide on Rin's fate, because Mephisto has proclaimed him to be "a weapon for counterattacking Satan." Just then, something happens! | |||
Gufu 颶風 Gufū |
#18 | August 14, 2011 | |
Rin undergoes training to master his Demonic flames, when a giant bird-like Demon swoops in on him! After driving it away, all of the Cram School members are sent to investigate how the Demon infiltrated the academy... | |||
An Ordinary Day なんでもない日 Nandemonai Hi |
#19 | August 21, 2011 | |
The Exorcism Cram School students are having a ball with Shima's birthday-based fortune-telling. When they discover that Izumo's birthday is coming up, they decide to throw her a surprise party! | |||
Mask 仮面 Kamen |
#20 | August 28, 2011 | |
Southern Cross Monastery, where Rin and Yukio grew up, has come under attack by a mysterious assailant! Leaving behind the cryptic words: "I will never forgive anyone related to Satan," the masked assailant escapes... | |||
The Secret Garden 秘密の花園 Himitsu no Hanazono |
#21 | September 4, 2011 | |
The assailant has escaped, but things are just getting back to normal after the monastery attack. Just then, someone appears before Yukio! | |||
Demon-hunting 悪魔狩り Akuma-gari |
#22 | September 11, 2011 | |
In light of the recent incidents, Mephisto is dismissed from his post as director. The Orders Supreme Advisers are ousted as well, paving the way for Ernst Frederik Egin to become Pope. And the newly appointed Preceptor of the Japan Branch is revealed to be.... | |||
Truth 真実 Shinjitsu |
#23 | September 18, 2011 | |
Ernst is scheming to open the Gehenna Gate by using the blood of Rin, son of Satan. In order to protect his wounded older brother, Yukio offers to take his place. | |||
Satan's Spawn 魔神の落胤 Satan no Ko |
#24 | September 25, 2011 | |
Hordes of Demons are spilling out of Gehenna Gate, and are now indiscriminately attacking the people of True Cross Academy Town! Meanwhile, Rin has been rescued by Suguro and Shiemi and is starting to come to. What Rin sees when he awakens is... | |||
Stop, Time 時よ止まれ Toki yo Tomare |
#25 | October 2, 2011 | |
Satan has transformed himself into a gigantic Gehenna Gate, and is attempting to absorb all of Assiah. Rin and Yukio, joined by Shura and Angel, attack the gate. Meanwhile, at the school, the Exorcists defend against a myriad of Demons. | |||
Second Season: Kyoto Saga (2017)
Small Beginnings 嚆矢濫觴 Kōshi Ranshō |
#26 | January 7, 2017 | |
Rin Okumura, who was exposed as the son of Satan by Amaimon's attack, has been placed by the Order of the True Cross under the supervision of Shura Kirigakure. While he practices manipulating his blue flames, they learn of the theft of a dangerous item. | |||
Strange Bedfellows 呉越同舟 Goetsudōshū |
#27 | January 14, 2017 | |
Rin is dispatched as part of the reinforcement unit to the Kyoto field office, which guards the hiding place of the Right Eye of the Impure King. The Myoda sect, led by Bon’s father and responsible for the eye’s defense, has endured the recent attack. | |||
Suspicion Will Raise Bogies 疑心暗鬼 Gishinanki |
#28 | January 21, 2017 | |
As Bon, Konekomaru and Shiemi try to deal with their responses to recent events, Yaozo summons the family heads of the Myoda sect. As they discuss the incident with the Right Eye, the group begins to question the mysterious actions of Head Priest Tatsuma. | |||
Act of Treachery 背信棄義 Haishin Kigi |
#29 | January 28, 2017 | |
Who is betraying the Myoda sect? Without high priest Tatsuma in attendance, the general meeting falls into chaos and ends without a conclusion. As Suguro resolves to find and question his father, he witnesses someone sneaking into the Kyoto field office… | |||
Mysterious Connections 合縁奇縁 Aienkien |
#30 | February 4, 2017 | |
Although the traitor was revealed, the Right Eye of the Impure King has been stolen. While confronting Ryuji, Rin loses control of his blue flames in front of the gathered exorcists. In all of the commotion, Tatsuma slips Shura a letter addressed to Rin. | |||
A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing 綿裏包針 Menri hō shin |
#31 | February 11, 2017 | |
Shiro Fujimoto, Rin and Yukio’s adopted father, encountered Tatsuma Suguro while trying to take the demonic sword, Kurikara. Tatsuma’s letter reveals the circumstances of how the sword, which is the Myoda Sect’s main object of worship, came to Rin. | |||
Like a Fire Burning Bright 気炎万丈 Kienbanjō |
#32 | February 18, 2017 | |
The Impure King has been revived! In his letter, Tatsuma asks Rin to use the Koma Sword to fight, but will that even be possible? And to make matters worse, Mephisto suddenly appears with the news that Rin has been sentenced to death! | |||
From Father to Son 父子相伝 Fushi Sōden |
#33 | February 25, 2017 | |
Miasma spreads through the streets as the exorcists begin to counter the Impure King’s growth. Rin leaves with the other students to find Tatsuma. Yukio is on the front lines, unaware his brother has left his cell, when he notices something strange… | |||
Through Thick and Thin 雪中松柏 Yuki Chū Shōhaku |
#34 | March 4, 2017 | |
“You despise your brother, don’t you?” Yukio is shaken as Todo tells him to admit his true feelings. Yukio reflects on the thoughts he’s had since an early age. Meanwhile, Suguro has inherited the Gouha-en, and with it, he and Rin head to the sporangium. | |||
Unbowed and Unbroken 不撓不屈 Fudōfukutsu |
#35 | March 11, 2017 | |
The sporangium has finally burst, revealing the Impure King. Assaulted by the miasma, Suguro barely maintains the barrier. And every passing moment brings him closer to his limit. Rin questions why he can’t draw his sword, even when backed into a corner. | |||
Shine Bright as the Sun 光輝燦然 Kōkisanzen |
#36 | March 18, 2017 | |
Rin finally manages to draw the demon sword. Shura tells him to, “Win a place for yourself in this world!” However, there doesn’t seem to be a way to stop the Impure King’s overwhelming growth. And if Suguro’s strength fails, the barrier will collapse! | |||
Candid and Open 虚心坦懐 Kyoshintankai |
#37 | March 25, 2017 | |
The sight of a blue flame burning in the night sky is reminiscent of “Blue Night,” but has brought about a completely different result. Now that the incidents relating to the Impure King have been concluded, those affected are moving on. | |||
Third Season: Shimane Illuminati Saga (2024)
The World's Astir ざわめく世界 Zawameku Sekai |
#38 | January 7, 2024 | |
Rin Okumura, a boy aiming to become an exorcist yet born the illegitimate son of the demon god Satan, advises his classmate Sei Godaiin, who begins to see demons. Despite Rin asking Ryuji Suguro and the other Exwires attending the Exorcism Cram School for a way to make demons invisible, he is unable to find a solution. Meanwhile, Rin is invited to dinner by Mephisto Pheles, the Preceptor of the Japan Branch of the Knights of the True Cross and director of the True Cross Academy. However... | |||
Where Secrets Are 秘密の在り処 Himitsu no Arika |
#39 | January 14, 2024 | |
Yukio Okumura, Rin's younger twin brother and Intermediate Exorcist First Class, is summoned to a high-level inquiry meeting of the True Cross Order to be questioned about Saburota Todo, the mastermind behind the resurrection of the Impure King. Suspicious of the imposing atmosphere, Yukio recalls the words of his late adoptive father, Shiro Fujimoto. Meanwhile, the Exwires are tasked with exorcising "Mayuko of the Toilet." However, Izumo Kamiki holds a certain grudge against Shiemi Moriyama. | |||
True Cross Academy Festival 正十字学園祭 Seijūji Gakuen-Sai |
#40 | January 21, 2024 | |
True Cross Academy is busy with preparations for the school festival. Renzo Shima and Rin try to find partners to attend the music festival and dance party with, but they are continually rejected. Unwilling to give up, Rin attempts to invite Izumo. But she flat out declines because the annual Exorcist Certification Exam is approaching. However, Shiemi, who has passed the school's transfer exam and has become their classmate, appears before a completely depressed Shima and Rin. | |||
Insider 内通者 Naitsū-sha |
#41 | January 28, 2024 | |
Arthur A. Angel and Lightning capture a spy hiding among the Knights of the True Cross and learn that the secret society, the Illuminati, is planning to abduct someone for a certain project. And now, the time for their plan is at hand. After hearing the news, Shura Kirigakure gathers the Exwires. Meanwhile, Izumo confronts Takara and angrily explodes when she sees a particular stuffed animal in his hands... | |||
Destiny 運命 Unmei |
#42 | February 4, 2024 | |
Every branch of the Knights of the True Cross is thrown into chaos as Lucifer, the King of Light, declares war. At the same time, Yukio, Rin, and the other Exwires leave for Izumo's hometown in Shimane Prefecture to bring Izumo and Shima back home. Izumo has been kidnapped and confined in the Far East Laboratory, controlled by the Illuminati. As Izumo awakens, she finds Shima wearing an Illuminati uniform. Then, she also meets someone with whom she shares a deep connection. | |||
I Can't Rely on Anyone もう誰も頼れない Mō dare mo tayorenai |
#43 | February 11, 2024 | |
Takara summons Izumo’s familiar, Fox God Mike, to talk about the past surrounding the Kamiki family and the Inari Taisha Shrine. Coming from a long line of shrine maidens, Tamamo, Izumo and Tsukumo’s mother, serves as the head of the family who must bear the burden of controlling the fox demon, Nine Tails. Although Izumo possesses excellent divine power as a shrine maiden, she has no one she can rely on in her private life – she spends her days with her boisterous mother and younger sister. Those days fell into ruin when the Inari Light Foundation appeared and made its move. | |||
Hesitation 迷い Mayoi |
#44 | February 18, 2024 | |
Behind the façade of the Inari Tourism and Urbanization Project, the Illuminati gradually undermined the area. After learning about Izumo’s past from Mike, Rin and the others head to Peace Town Inari, which they believe holds the entrance to the Illuminati’s underground laboratory. Meanwhile, at the laboratory, Izumo is taken to a room where Michael Gedoin is waiting to undergo a complete medical examination. Izumo screams to create an uproar, giving her a chance to try and escape by summoning Uke and Mike. She runs away to get out of the underground laboratory – only for Renzo Shima to stand in her way. | |||
Determination 覚悟 Kakugo |
#45 | February 25, 2024 | |
Michael Gedoin, lost in his admiration and adoration for Lucifer, takes further action to ensure the success of his Elixir research. He devises a plan separating Rin and his team – leaving each member to fend for themselves. Although Rin faces off against a giant, grotesque zombie in the underground laboratory’s container, he hesitates to use his sword against it when he realizes the zombie is a human corpse possessed by a demon. Yukio, Suguro, Shiemi, and Konekomaru each must face off against their demons in the laboratory alone…. | |||
Help Me 助けて Tasukete |
#46 | March 3, 2024 | |
With the laboratory container now destroyed, Rin and the rest of the team were able to regroup, but Michael Gedoin sets a bloated zombie to attack them. Gedoin talks about how the Far East Laboratory is the central hub for immortality Elixir experiments – exposing the truth about Peace Town Inari and enraging everyone in the process. Then, Izumo appears – heading against her will to undergo the surgical transplant of Nine Tails. Rin breaks out his Koma Sword to save Izumo. Rin punches Shima, sending him flying, for trying to prevent Rin from helping her. Rin extends a helping hand to Izumo, but…. | |||
Friends 仲間 Nakama |
#47 | March 10, 2024 | |
Forcibly possessed by Nine Tails, Izumo strains her energy to cry for help as the demon’s power overwhelms her. Rin answers Izumo’s cry for help, exorcises the bloated zombie, and finds himself standing in the way of Michael Gedoin. Gedoin, confused and impatient with the unexpected situation, unleashes more zombies on Rin and the others to buy time. As Yukio and the rest of the group come rushing to fight back, Izumo begins to be swallowed up by Nine Tails’ madness, which she cannot subdue and is losing control. | |||
Pink Spider ピンクスパイダー Pinku Supaidā |
#48 | March 17, 2024 | |
Izumo and the rest of the team succeed at thwarting the threat of the Illuminati, with the help of her mother, Tamamo. As the Knights of the True Cross gain control of Inari, the once-continuous turmoil and fighting finally calm down throughout the land. However, Renzo Shima leaves with the Illuminati as a member of their team. Suguro tries to explain that Renzo was a spy for the Illuminati to his elder brothers, Juzo and Kinzo, who’ve come to help from the Kyoto Branch – only to learn of an even more shocking truth from Juzo. | |||
Hidden True Feelings 隠された本音 Kakusareta Hon'ne |
#49 | March 24, 2024 | |
Shima returns home despite everyone thinking he had severed ties. Lightning questions his motives. Mephisto plans to face off against Lucifer. Amid these turns of events, Yukio hides that he met Lucifer in person in the Illuminati’s underground facility, but Shima knows the truth. A sense of great unease grows stronger in Yukio’s heart – Shima advises him to talk to somebody about it. In the meantime, Mephisto arranges for Rin and the rest of the crew to rest and relax at a spa resort in gratitude for their hard work. | |||